In January, 2025, ECHA released information in official website, announcing a new SVHC intentional substance "formaldehyde". At present, it is in the stage of "the file of related substances prepared by the proponent", which is expected to be submitted before February 3, 2025. ECHA is expected to launch a public consultation on the substance in March 2025, during which all stakeholders can submit feedback to ECHA. If approved, it will be formally added to the SVHC candidate list.
Up to now, the state of SVHC substances is summarized as follows:
☑247 candidate list substances
☑1 substance to be determined (resorcinol)
☑6 intentional substances
The six intentional substances are as follows:
About SVHC:
SVHC is short for "Substance of Very High Concern", which refers to substances of very high concern that pose risks to humans and the environment. In accordance with Article 7.2 of the REACH Regulation, when an article contains a substance in the SVHC list with a mass fraction of more than 0.1% and the substance enters the EU more than 1 tonne/year/company per year, the producer or importer of the article must notify ECHA.
In accordance with the EU REACH Regulation and the Waste Framework Directive, from 5 January 2021, articles placed on the EU market with concentrations of SVHC substances exceeding 0.1% must be notified to the ECHA for SCIP, and the information must be submitted to the SCIP database.
CTT reminder:
CTT reminds relevant companies that they should continue to pay attention to the update progress of SVHC. CTT can provide enterprises with one-stop comprehensive solutions for consulting, testing and training according to the SVHC list. For more details, please contact us.